We are always available for you at: anfrage@floris-catering.de or 030 -618 14 60.
Celebrate parties - but CO2-neutral
How does your event become CO2 neutral?

Celebrating is good and important. We think it is better and more important to celebrate and at the same time keep the CO2 footprint as low as possible. In fact, every event leaves a carbon footprint. That is why we offer you to support a climate project with your event and thus reduce the CO2 footprint. This shows the public that you care about our environment.

This is how it works:
To compensate for the CO2 emissions of the event, you acquire a climate protection certificate from our partner KlimaInvest *. This certificate will be issued to you with your company logo and you can then use it for your invitations, social media, etc.

Would you like to protect the climate with us?
Simply use the climate button in our inquiry form or speak to us at greencatering@floris-catering.de!

How are the CO2 emissions offset?
With the support of the UN Climate Protection Secretariat, the WWF and Greenpeace, the CO2 emissions are offset through so-called Gold Standard projects. In this way, FLORIS promotes, for example, forest protection, the production of efficient cooking stoves in Ghana or the use of water filters in Kenya, which prevent the deforestation of the surrounding nature.

* You pay € 1.20 plus VAT per guest.

  • FLORIS Catering Klimazertifikat

    FLORIS Catering climate certificate

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